Advertising on the LASA2023 Congress Hub, Mobile App, Program Book, Newsletter, and on-site Screens offers an excellent opportunity to reach all of the 4,000+ Congress virtual and on-site attendees.
Advertisements, exhibit booths, and sponsorships purchased after March 24, 2023, will appear in the Congress Hub, mobile App, and/or the PDF version of the Congress Program Book. Send as attachments to Margaret Manges at
Congress Advertising Opportunities
Digital Banner Ads
Publishers, institutions, universities, film promotions, and academic programs can now purchase space on the LASA2023 Congress Hub and LASA2023 Mobile App.
LASA2023 Congress Hub
Banner ads on the LASA2023 Congress Hub link to the website of your choice.
Banner ads for the LASA2023 Congress Hub (jpg, jpeg, png, or svg) should be 600 x 500 pixels for best results. An image resolution of at least 72 dpi is best. The presented size will vary based on the user's device.
- The image below is an example of a LASA2022 banner ad, and should not be understood as an exact representation of future banner ads, which are subject to change due to website design improvements.

LASA2023 Mobile App
- Purchase up to five banners to appear more frequently in the LASA2023 Mobile App.
- Mobile App images should be 640w x 160h and .png format files. Text must be readable at a 320w x 80h resolution.
- LASA2023 Mobile App banner ads are subject to change due to design improvements.

Digital Banner Ads on the Congress Hub & Mobile App
Program Book and Digital Ads
- Program Book ads will be posted in a collective PDF on the Congress Hub and Mobile App.
- We require that your organization provide camera-ready, high quality/high resolution (300 dpi or higher) artwork.
- All ads will be in black/white for the Program Book.
- Second ads may be submitted in color for the online versions: Congress Hub and Mobile App.
- Ads must be submitted as an email attachment.
- Ads are subject to approval.
Half Page
7.5″ wide x 4.75″ high
Full Page
7.5″ wide x 10.5″ high
Front Inside Cover (SOLD)
7.5″ wide x 10.5″ high
Back Inside Cover
7.5″ wide x 10.5″ high
Back Outside Cover
8.5″ wide x 11″ high
Email Blast
- Reach all registered 2023 Congress participants and attendees via a mass email dedicated exclusively to your organization.
- Your email blast can include your organization logo, direct links to the website of your choice, and contact information.
- This direct email will be sent by LASA to all registered participants and attendees during the Congress week.
Mass Email Dedicated Exclusively to your Organization
Newsletter Ads
- Reach all registered 2023 Congress participants and attendees via the daily Congress Newsletter.
- Your ad must be an image (jpg, jpeg) and can link to the website of your choice.
- Newsletter ads should be 1260 x 420 pixels.
- Newsletter ads are subject to change due to design improvements.
- Ads are subject to approval.

Ad inside the Congress Daily Newsletter
Customized Meeting Room Screens
- LASA is making available 25 screens for the promotion of your organization.
- Screens are located outside the entryway to each meeting room at the Vancouver Convention Centre.
- Screens are portrait orientation, mounted on the wall outside each doorway, with your branding and the room session information and schedule.
- Your ad will be in place during the four days of the Congress and might circulate with other advertisements.
- Dimensions are 1080 x 1190 pixels in .jpeg file format.
- Screen placement will be randomly assigned.
- Ads for the customized meeting room screens must be received by May 1, 2023.

Ten Screens
Five Screens
One Screen