Center Director

The Center Director Section attempts to fill in a much needed space within LASA for the exchange of ideas, experiences, best practices, etc. At the same time, this section offers practitioners, foundation representatives, and others the opportunity to debate and brainstorm about new perspectives and insights relevant to Centers. This section may also foster collaborative projects, research, and the exchange of information between individuals and institutions.

Membership to the Center Directors Section is complimentary for all those Directors (including Center, Executive, Associate, and Deputy Director) whose institution is a current member of LASA and is listed as its representative in the LASA system.

For Other Members:

  1. The person is or has been a Center, Executive, Associate or Deputy Director in the past five years;
  2. The person is an individual member of LASA
  3. The fee of $50 per year is paid at the time of individual membership or section renewal.