The mission of the LASA section "Africa and the Americas" is twofold. Firstly, it aims to explore how Africa and the African diaspora have influenced and been influenced by the Americas, with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. This includes studying Africa and the African diaspora in Latin America, comparing Afro-Latin cultures, examining historical connections, and addressing contemporary issues affecting these communities.
Secondly, the section aims to create an academic and collaborative space that enhances understanding and cooperation between Africa and the Americas. It highlights shared historical, cultural, socioeconomic, and anthropological experiences to enrich critical discourse.
The objective of this section is also to foster South-South solidarity, confront colonial legacies, and address common challenges to democracy, social justice, cultural diversity, and human rights protection in both regions. By promoting dialogue, collaboration, and academic exchange, the section aims to deepen understanding of the complex relationships and intersections that connect Africa and the Americas.